Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"He's more helium now than man: inflated and evil."

Okay I know this is extremely tangential to the usual movie stuff, but I had to make note of this:

Mmm... villainy.

For more info: http://www.starwars.com/community/event/celebration/news20070417b.html
This also creates an opportunity in the uber-nerdy bumper sticker market. Namely, one that reads: "My other car is the inflated head of Darth Vader."

And while I'm on a Star Wars kick, here's more crazy-awesome Star Wars fan insanity: Steampunk Star Wars.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

THanks for linking to that hot air balloon vader story on starwars.com.

Also you should check out the latest issue of GEEK magazine (http://www.geekmonthly.com) for an interview with Star Wars Steampunk artist, Eric Poulton!